I thank Jer’s comic Books for the nomination. His ‘Music Monday’ posts are really intriguing. The writing is fluid and precise. I recommend my readers to visit the blog and check out some amazing articles. (https://jerscomicbooks.wordpress.com/)

Mystery Blogger Award: The Award given to unknown mysterious blogger who come out of no where and surprise the blogger community.


Here are the rules for the award:

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.
  9. Share a link to your best post.

Okoto Enigma, the creator of this “Mystery Blogger Award”.

Things to know:

I was turning 24 that year (2015). When people around me were climbing the hierarchy ladder, job hunting or learning new technologies, I was googling ‘why Bob Kane re-designed the batsuit in season 3 of “BATMAN, the animated series in 1992”. Comments like “Grow up Dude”, “Stop, living the fantasy world”, “Superman won’t run this report” etc. used to follow. I had been reading comics since I was 9. I had been bullied since before. So, when the real world offered no heroes, a man flying in red cape did. If all what matters was experience, I had a f*****g 16 years of it in comics world. I then started this blog where I made the Man of Steel fly, the Cape crusader fight, the scarlet speedster race, the emerald archer shoot.Slowly but steadily I have gathered a very small fanbase. And I thank all my readers and especially my dear followers.

Although my blog gets average hits daily, 1 thing saddens me. I am really grateful to the people of USA and other countries as 65% of my crowd are Americans. Around 30% are rest. The part that saddens me is that not many are from my own country, India. This points out to 1 fact, there aint many hardcore comic readers here. I want to change that thing around here. I want DC fans from this part of the world too. Die-hard DC readers.

Lastly, I want all the readers to know about a kid. The kid special and I see the glimpse of my childhood in him. He is 11 and is a geek. The little guy has such a vast imagination that one day (not in distant future) he will definitely surplus many megaminds in the comic world. Often a times he asks me questions that I am unable to counter and trust me when I tell you I really know my comics. I can’t say that my kid in future (not born yet, I am not even married… duuhhh!!!) will share the passion I have for comics but this kid, my nephew is and will be my prodigy.

My nominations:

  1. ArcaneHalloween
  2. Surpana
  3. Paul Bowler

Things I want to ask Jer’s Comic Books:

  1. What made you nominate me for the award?
  2. Your opinion on Editorial writing VS Fictional Stories.
  3. ‘Too many fake, non-sense review writer around the world’ your views.
  4.  Apart from imagination and writing skills, what is the most essential thing a blogger should know?
  5.  A light one, this one… if given a chance, who would you like to work for, DC comics or Marvel Comics?

My very recent post: Superman: Man of Steel, Vol 1: Origins